Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The beginning...

    My husband and I started dating in September of 2013, got engaged in September 2014, and got married in June 2015! 

   Let's fast forward a couple years...

   In December 2017, my husband and I decided that we were ready to try to start a family! I had never wanted kids growing up because thinking about my body going through the pregnancy was terrifying. (I was probably the only person that ever felt this way). I had a heart for adoption, and if you knew me, you knew I wanted to adopt from a foreign country. I wanted to give a child a home that otherwise wouldn’t have one. Well things change with marriage. Did you know that? As we grew our relationship, my heart changed. My heart changed in the fact that I wanted to physically have a child. Not for me, but for us! What a great dad he was going to be one day! 

A little background about myself...

I have a blood disorder called Factor V, and the doctors advised me not to take birth control (I found all this out in 2013). So A couple of months before we got married, I decided to have an IUD done. This obviously is the equivalent of birth control with least amount of hormones. So, December 2017, I get the IUD taken out.

After many negative pregnancy tests, before we knew it, it was December 2018. A year of trying, a year of being unsuccessful. I struggled with my faith so much during this time. We both did. Why would this desire be on our hearts if it was never going to happen? Or would the original desire my heart had as a teenager be the way we had to have a child? Until we went through all of this, I never even told my husband about my thoughts as a teenager...and he was pretty shocked that I felt that away especially since I already knew my passion for kids and that I was going to be a teacher.

1 comment:

  1. I've added you to my rss reader so I can follow your journey. You're a special person to share this with others. Much love.


Two Years Later

It has been way too long since I've written in this blog. Here is where we are at now. Hopefully since I'm off for the summer I can ...