Monday, April 13, 2020

All the Questions...And another round

What questions do we have to ask the doctor?
  • IVF?
  • Affordable IVF?
  • Cost?
  • Insurance coverage?
  • Other options?
Did you know that 1 in 8 women suffer with infertility? Why in the world would it not be part of our insurance? CRAZY...

We ask questions, we get answers we aren't sure about. So the beginning cost of IVF is at least $12,000. $12,000 minimum. That option is out.

So the doctor wants us to try to switch to just using shots with higher dosage (instead of taking meds first, then shots). There are a lot of possible negative side effects with doing this. IT SCARED me listening to the nurse and everything she was telling us. However, the doctor recommended it, and we decided to go for it!

So here we go, another round approaches us! We are praying hard for the side effects to not happen! We call the doctor on a Monday, they are swamped with appointments. So I make an appointment for Tuesday. Tuesday's appointment reveals a small cyst (nothing to worry about this time). We can do the medicines and another IUI this month. We are so excited and feeling confident that this is going to make a difference! So I have to go back to the doctor Friday, not quite ready. Go back Monday, not quite ready. Go back Tuesday, finally ready!!!!!

This is a prayer I wrote in the middle of all these doctor days: 
Dear Lord, I want to thank you first for this opportunity you have given Brandon and I to grow closer to you and to each other. It feels weird saying that Lord, but I know that at the end of this situation, no matter what it is, Brandon and I will be closer to each other and you because of it. I pray, Lord, that our hearts desires are in your plan! I pray that you would fill Brandon up with hope, with patience, with understanding, and strength as maybe he has been feeling distant from you lately. I pray that you’d help me to get over this feeling of it’s all my fault. Help me to release these feelings to you, Lord. I pray for tomorrow’s appointment(MONDAY), that it will be as it is supposed to; that the potential eggs would have grown, that I can continue with the medicine, and hopefully have an IUI next week! We release the control to YOU! Because only YOU can determine our path in life and give us our identity! AMEN!

IUI happens Thursday, March 5th. Pregnancy Test will be Tuesday, March 17th.

Monday, March 16th Journal Entry:
Today is Monday, the Monday before we find out our news! Are we pregnant or are we going to continue to wait on the timing God will hopefully bless us with? I feel so anxious, but so excited at the same time because of feeling like things are falling into place with Brandon and I spiritually. I know that we are not a perfect couple, but these past couple of months have been a time of growing---growing towards God and each other! It is such a great feeling and I hope it continues throughout our entire lives as we grow our family and continue to learn more about each other everyday! I’ll be back typing tomorrow to see how this chapter of our journey unfolds!

Next Day:
Next post...

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Two Years Later

It has been way too long since I've written in this blog. Here is where we are at now. Hopefully since I'm off for the summer I can ...