Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A Good Read

      Let me preface this article with saying, I am not saying anything about a particular Church. I am also not saying what may be joyful things for many have to be avoided because of other's trials. I just thought this was an interesting article and I have felt these feelings many times. I want to avoid many holidays because most are centered around activities for Children. This weekend is Easter. I wish we were out buying Easter baskets to give to our children, but we aren't. I wish we were preparing for our first born because he or she would have been born in April, but we aren't. If you have the time, take the time to read this article. And this song, just makes want to cry every time I hear it.

Update on Doctors appointments: 
So yesterday I went to the Cancer Center to see the hematologist. I had a lot of blood drawn, like 12 things. They took blood to rerun labs for my blood disorder, Factor V, and labs for my thyroid. 

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