Wednesday, March 24, 2021

I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I'm not enough

On March 18th, (Last Thursday) I had HSG #4. This HSG showed the exact same results that I had the very first time I had it done back in January of 2019. The dye went through my right side and not my left. This could mean my left tube may be blocked due to my endometriosis, it could mean it tensed because of the pressure, or it means it is just simply blocked. 

The great thing that happen while at Brookwood was that I made 2 new friends! There were four of us that were all called back at the same time. Three of us had to wait together for at least 45 minutes before we slowly got called one by one. We talked about everything from our age, job, where we are on the TTC (trying to conceive) journey. We exchanged each other's phone numbers and now have a group chat for support whenever we need it! While, I didn't want to have to go to Brookwood, at least one thing positive came out of it. 

So what does this mean for our journey? 

Well I am hoping surgery isn't in the picture since doing IVF doesn't involve your tubes. However, I won't really know until my next visit with ART. I am hoping/praying my next visit with ART will be our IVF initial appointment. I am still continuing to take the thyroid medicine for hypothyroidism. I have my first COVID vaccine shot this afternoon, and I see the hematologist next Tuesday. So I will update next week on what happens with those appointments next week. 

I am on Spring Break this week, and decided to watch one of my favorite movies Overcomer today. It reminded me to truly focus on who Christ says I am, and not what the world says I am. 

I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I'm not enough
Every single lie that tells me I will never measure up
Am I more than just the sum of every high and every low
Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know...

I am: (Ephesians 1-2) 
Created by God
Child of God

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