Thursday, March 11, 2021


Today was supposed to be the start to our IVF process. What turned into an appointment that I thought went fine turned into 10 phone calls later and IVF being postponed until our next cycle. 

First, I thought I wasn't going to have an HSG done again. However, now I am. So Monday morning I have an HSG scheduled for 7:30. 

Second, I have mentioned this before... That I am a carrier for Factor V (A blood clotting disorder). Well 6 years ago in 2015, I had a consultation with a hematologist to decide the best form of birth control. It was decided that I would have an IUD. So at today's appointment, I mention it just to make sure that we make the right decision for the IVF cycle with taking birth control for a few weeks. Well turns out I have to have another consult with the same doctor about the birth control for IVF before we can proceed. It is scheduled for March 30th at the Cancer Center. 

Third, I apparently have a possible issue with my thyroid and am having to take medicine to make my levels come down. 

While all of this is frustrating, somewhere through all this there is a plan bigger and greater than I am. I'm not sure what it is, but praying for it be revealed in God's timing. 

I ask for your prayers through this uncertainty. While we thought we were ready to start we are now on hold. 

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