Thursday, April 8, 2021

A year later..

Today makes a year since I made our journey public on facebook and began to blog about it. I wanted this week's blog to be today, which is why it wasn't posted yesterday. 

A year later...

  • Still no baby
  • Still not pregnant 
  • Still HOPEFUL
  • Still FAITHFUL
  • Still PRAYING
  • Still THANKFUL

What have I learned over the last year? 
-My worth is not defined by two pink lines.
-My worth is not defined by being a mom. 
-My worth is defined by God only! 
-I don't need to let infertility be the center piece of my life.
-I only need Jesus to be at the center! 
-I have the most incredible support group! 
-To rely on God more!
-To be open about other struggles within my life.
-Not to be scared to ask for help.
-That my story can inspire others.
-God's not done with us yet. 

This is a clip from a Netflix movie, but these two songs together are just so powerful! 

Journey update: 
I learned over this past weekend that apparently I have low iron. The low iron, and a few other things have a lot of symptoms that cross paths together. Right now, we are just praying for the decision from the hematologist about how to handle the Birth Control part of IVF. 

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported me with this blog and our journey. This past year has definitely been tough, but I couldn't be more thankful for my friends and family who have been through every step with us! Love you all so much! 

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Two Years Later

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