Wednesday, February 17, 2021

How do I support my friend that is battling infertility?

Recently, I had a friend ask if I have ever done a post about how friends, who haven't gone through infertility, can be supportive on our infertility journey. 

Well my immediate response was that I made a previous post about the wrong things being said to us, and how we can/should react to them. Link: Showing Grace even when it is hard

So here is the question of the day: 

How can a friend (who has not gone through infertility) support a friend who is battling infertility?

**These answers are from my personal experience, and I asked a few friends their thoughts too**

1. BE A PRAYER WARRIOR FOR THEM- Don't say I am praying for you and then never do it. Pray for them - intercede to God on their behalf - When you say you are going to pray for them - Why not do it right then and there? Through a text, over the phone, in a hand written letter in the mail? 

2. KEEP YOUR OPINIONS TO YOURSELF - I don't mean this rudely at all. Many times people giving their opinions to us is what hurts the most. They may share a story of well this worked for my friend, or my doctor said take these vitamins, maybe you need more time, just relax and it'll happen, lose weight first, it finally happened for my friend 10 years later, You should take my kids for a'll change your mind, you are so lucky y'all can do whatever you want, why do you want to do this...being a parent is so hard, you could always adopt, at least it was early when you miscarried, etc. These things don't help, trust me. Some people say some of these things not thinking they are hurtful, which is where we have to be mindful to show grace because they truly don't know.

3. LISTENING EAR, SHOULDER TO CRY ON- Everyone needs someone that is willing to just sit down and listen, and a shoulder to cry on. This doesn't just apply to infertility either. We want to be a listening ear/shoulder to cry on for you in whatever your struggle is just as much as we want you to be one for us!  

4. DON'T BE AFRAID TO LET US CELEBRATE WITH YOU- (This may vary from person to person). Let me find out the same way you are telling everyone else that you are pregnant. Be understanding that I can be joyful for your situation and sad for myself and my husband at the same time. I can't compare my life to yours because God chose a different journey for us. That doesn't mean we aren't excited for your blessing. We just continue to wonder why it hasn't happened for us. 

5. DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS- (This may vary from person to person) I have been really open with our infertility journey, but others suffer in silence. I personally don't mind me asked about medicines, procedures, etc.  *Ask: How can I pray for you? How can I support you? How are you doing? *Don't Ask women/couples when they are going to start having babies. You may be asking someone who is suffering in silence. If you know your friend is going through a treatment cycle, don't ask if it was successful. They'll tell you in their own time what their next steps are.  

6. LASTY CARE & ENCOURAGE!- Just care about us! We want to care about you too! We want to know that someone is beside us along the journey. We don't want to be avoided but we do want you to be aware of our situation. Let us know that you believe in us and believe that God will provide in His timing! 

**I hope these help! If anyone going through infertility has more ways I can add, please let me know**


  1. I'll keep these in mind when the time is right. I want to be sensitive to people's feelings and this is a good guide.

  2. This is my favorite post so far! Thank you for taking the time to share this information with the those of us who love you dearly and want to support you in the best way possible.


Two Years Later

It has been way too long since I've written in this blog. Here is where we are at now. Hopefully since I'm off for the summer I can ...