Tuesday, January 25, 2022

FET Diary Part 2

If you didn't read part 1, please go back and read it before you start this one. 

 January 14th

Well today is day after transfer! Everything went perfect yesterday! The worst part of the whole procedure is having to hold your bladder until after it is over. If you know me well enough, this is a difficult task. 

Yesterday, I took a good nap after getting home. Today, I've just been trying to take it easy. 

January 20th 

Today is the day before our HCG test! I have restrained from taking any home test. So that's a great thing. 

Current symptoms: cramping, sniffles (cold), and super exhausted. I have been in the bed by 8 each night this week. I normally am a grandma, but not that much of one! Here is to tomorrow! Let's see what God has in store! 

January 21st

God has some great things in store. After I came home from getting my bloodwork done at 7AM, I asked Brandon where he hid the pregnancy test that we had at the house. Y'all will never guess where he hid them: UNDER THE COUCH. Goodness gracious. 

Just in case you can't tell what that digital pregnancy test...it says

Dear God, 
The excitement in my heart is so great! I cannot thank you enough for your timing, and for the resources we were given to make this happen! We thank you for this great gift! We pray our little one continues to grow Lord! Continues to grow into a healthy girl or boy! Thank you again for your faithfulness, and forgive us for when we have doubted you! AMEN

I heard back from the doctor's office around 1:45. My estrogen and progesterone were perfect. My HCG was borderline. Meaning, I am pregnant, but it is low. Yes, this is scary, but I asked the nurse to be honest with me. She said that because my estrogen and progesterone were at really good levels that she more than likely thought it would rise. But that it was also possible for it not to rise. So I am set to go back to AFS on Monday to do another blood draw. Here are the pictures from telling Brandon! 

We decided to go ahead and let our parents know that we are pregnant! It felt like the right thing to go ahead and do because we have so many people that have been invested in our journey! Right now the plan is to tell them, my sister's family, and a few other close people. Here is us telling my mom and dad! 

You can't read the picture very well backwards, but it says, "Promoted from dog grandparents to human grandparents, Coming Sept/Oct 2022!" 

We told Brandon's parents by giving them the same frame! We just didn't get a picture. 

January 22nd: 
We decided to go ahead and tell my sister and her family! Now, why did we share this so early with our parents and my sister? Well to be honest, when you've been going through this for as long as we have you usually get bad news more often, and to get this news was the BEST! We are confident in what is to come on Monday! We just pray it is all in God's plan. 

January 24th:
Today is the day. The day we've waited patiently for all weekend! 

AFS calls, "do you have time to go over your results?" My heart dropped. "Katey, I'm sorry, but your HCG has dropped since Friday. Go ahead and stop all your meds, and the Birmingham office will call to set up your follow-up appointment." All I could say was ok. Thankfully one of my coworkers just happened to be in the room with me, and I just cried on her shoulder. Then my other coworker comes in and I cry on her too. These two have been with me for this journey, just praying and always checking on me. I am so thankful for Ms. Phillips and Mrs. Bruce! I honestly don't know what I would do at work without these two! My heart is just so broken and the thought of calling Brandon makes me sick because once again my body wouldn't produce what he (and I) have been longing for. I call Brandon and my words just couldn't even come out. All I could say was my level dropped and they told me to stop taking my medicine. 

After I got off the phone with Brandon, all I could do was quote my mentoring groups Bible verses over and over to myself. I sat at my computer at school and just cried and cried until it was time to go home. 

Next, was mom. Oh, and I just knew that I was going to have a hard time telling her too. And I did. I got it out, and then I asked her if she would let dad, my sister, and my cousin, Kellie know because I couldn't make another phone call. I couldn't voice it again. 

Once again, we went from a positive to a negative so quickly. 

Memory Verse for Dec/Jan: Consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters when you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work, so you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4 

What's next? We don't know. And I politely ask that if you see us out and about please don't ask us. We have a follow up appointment on Monday, March 7th. 

Now to box up all the meds, all the announcement things, etc... 
It may be a little while before I write again, but I'll end with a prayer because God will get us through somehow. 

Dear God, 

I am not quite sure what to say. I am not quite sure why we are in this position. I just pray that you help us make it through it. We are so thankful for the things you have done in the waiting, Lord. I just pray for you to wrap your arms around us as we move forward! Amen

January 25th:

Last night was tough. It was like Brandon and I couldn't even find the right things to say to each other. Over and over again, it was just we don't understand and I'm sorry. I cried a little bit more. And then I woke up in the middle of the night..crying and I could not go back to sleep. Were we too confident in this process after Friday? Should we have been more cautious? Should we have not been excited? Should we have not shared with others? I am not sure. All of this just hurts so much, and I don't even know what to say. 

As this will for sure be the last post in part 2, I just ask that you pray with us and for us! For those that aren't sure how you can help because you don't know what this is like, I'll refer you to a previous blog post called: How to support my friend going through infertility 

Love you all and thank you for supporting us in our journey! 
Brandon and Katey 

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