Saturday, January 1, 2022

Reflecting on 2021- the Battle of Infertility

2021 was a hard year, but God was right beside us through the ups and downs of not only our fertility journey, but in our everyday lives too. 

I feel like it is important to recognize that even though the results didn't turn out like we prayed, that God had other BIG things happen in our life! This is a reflection of our journey just through 2021.  As hard all of this was, it has led us to where we are now. An update on all of that will come soon! 

January - Fundraising for IVF

               - IVF Consultation 

February - Fundraising for IVF

               - Blessed with all funds needed for IVF 

March- Baseline appointment for IVF

           -HSG Test for the 3rd & 4th time 

           - diagnosed with hypothyroidism

April - Hematologist appointment 

          - Factor V confirmation (was originally tested in 2015) 

          - diagnosed with low iron 

May - Baseline #2 for IVF 

June - Birth Control 

        - Saline Ultrasound Procedure 

July - STIMS & lots of other medicines

        - Egg Retrieval

        - Fresh Transfer of 2 embryos, 1 frozen 

August - Failed Transfer 

             - one year mark of our miscarriage 

September - Follow-up appointment with the fertility doctor

October  - ERA biopsy 

              - Fundraising for FET 

November - ERA results: receiving level 

December - Baseline appointment for FET (frozen transfer) 

                  - Thyroid medicine adjusted 

                  - 4 year mark of facing infertility 

Some big positives that happened over 2021: 

-finished my 3rd year at JSE & began my 4th

- We joined Journey Church in February! 

- Started serving in the Children's Ministry with some awesome people! 

- Brandon and I joined mentoring groups & a small group! 

-Every penny that was needed was provided for our fertility journey (past and current)! 

-Continuing to share our testimony has been a HUGE blessing!

-Our faith continues to grow each and every day! 

-Celebrated 6 years of marriage!

-These are only some, but are big ones in our book!

Happy New Year to everyone! Love y'all!

-Brandon and Katey 

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