Thursday, April 29, 2021

Another Year Older

 Another year older, another year without a child...Not me, but him. 

Today is Brandon's 32nd birthday. (April 28th) And for his birthday, he should have been becoming a dad. If we wouldn't have miscarried, baby owens would have made his or her arrival this past week. This week should have been the start of our IVF; however, the records did not get to ART on time. Another year older, another year without a child. 

This past month at church we were in a sermon series titled the Comeback. The series started with the greatest comeback of all time, Jesus' resurrection. Then we went on to discuss Peter, Paul, and David's comebacks with some members of the church's testimonies. 

As Brandon and I were talking about my results not getting to ART in time for us to start our IVF cycle, he mentions, "you know, maybe God is setting us up for a comeback." In my mind, all I could think was well it is definitely possible. 

My prayer today, is for all of those that are in need of a comeback. Jesus is there to welcome you with open arms, if you'll take that leap of faith and turn to Him. I also pray, thanking God for the comebacks that have happened! Don't be afraid to share your testimony with someone else! You never know the positive impact you might make. 

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