Thursday, July 9, 2020

Waiting again...

Story Update: 
So last week I shared that I thought I would be going to the doctor. Well it hasn't happened yet. So I find myself in a different kind of waiting. 

Do you ever feel like you take a step of faith and then end up in complete disappointment? Then you go back and think maybe it wasn't the right step to take at that time? I even feel wrong for asking those questions..

I waited until today purposefully to write my post for this week to see what the result would be today. Today was hard. Today was another day, that I thought I believed deeply that a miracle could happen, but I am just reminded by God that the answer it not yet. 

So, right now I am so thankful for my small group of friends that I am doing a Bible Study with. It is one of the highlights of my week each time! We just finished week 3 of Everyday Theology by Mary Wiley (Random fact: Mary was one of my DNow leaders when I was a teenager and her mom was my geometry, pre-cal, and calculus teacher in high school). This past week was all about Jesus the Son, and all the prophecies and promises He fulfilled in scripture. We discussed how Jesus was seen a prophet, priest, and king based on His actions. One of the questions ask how has Jesus been a prophet, priest, and king in your life? As we go through this struggle of infertility, I have to remember how wonderful God/Jesus has been to us in different parts of our life and what great things are coming out of this struggle. It has just been really tough today unfortunately. 

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 

Promises- Maverick City Music 

Dear God, 
   I pray that as I struggle today, that I would continue to praise you in the waiting process. I pray for strength and continued guidance throughout our journey. I pray for others that are going through similar situations. I pray that would love and follow you with everything they have, and Lord if they begin to doubt that they'd be reminded of your everlasting love for them just as I was today. Thank you for being our Savior and dying so we could live! I pray for whenever the doctor's appointment does come, we will continue to show our faith in you through every step! In Jesus Name, Amen. 

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