Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Praying constantly 🙏

Good Evening! 

So many of you know we've been house hunting these past few weeks! Well we think we finally found a potential! Asking for prayers for that too!! 

In fertility news, went to the doctor today to get some levels checked and everything looks great! We are still praying for success with this round as we won't know the results until a later date! Thank you prayer warriors for being along side us! If only you knew how much it is appreciated 💕

Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 
Romans 12:12

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Answering prayers

Prayer #1- no cyst ✔️ answered
Prayer #2- growth ✔️ answered
Prayer #3 - success 

I went back to the doctor today to check for growth of eggs (mature follicles)! I don't want to get too much into details, but let's just say this time we had a "good problem." What I mean by that is we had multiple grow! Like what? Only a God thing! So tonight I give you an update on our story and the next part that we are praying for....success! Our IUI will either be Friday or Sunday depending on tomorrow's appointment. Thank you to all who interceded on our behalf in prayer! We are so thankful for the support and prayers from our friends and family!!!  

Dear Lord, 
Tonight we thank you again for another answered prayer! We praise you for the growth seen at the doctor's appointment today! We thank you for everything happening with the house being under contract as well! I pray for our hearts as we are trying to be as positive as possible with everything that is going on with treatments this round! We pray for success and put it all in your hands! 

Sometimes we are hesitant in believing God will answer our prayers, but God is our hope and He has a perfect plan! BELIEVE IT!! 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

One prayer at a time

Just a story update and prayer request in today: 

I was finally able to go to the doctor yesterday!!! As we go through this process each time we really try to focus on praying step by step. First prayer, as I shared a couple of weeks ago, was that I wouldn't have any cyst at my appointment! Guess what?? I had no cyst!

So our next step prayer is for multiple follicles to grow!! I return to the doctor next Monday to check progress of the growth. Last time we did this same type of medicine($1,000 worth), I had to take the medicine for like 3 extra days so I kept having to go back to the doctor every morning!! So praying for growth and that I'll be ready Monday! 

Psalm 9:1 
I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart! I will tell of all Your marvelous works. 

Dead God, 
We thank you for answered prayers even when they feel small! Thank you for listening to our heart cries and desires each time we reach out to you! I pray you'd continue to watch over us as we go through the medicine, help many follicles/eggs to grow! Praying for others that are in this same process right now! Praying for strength, hope, and grace upon grace! Thank you for loving us! Amen. 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Waiting again...

Story Update: 
So last week I shared that I thought I would be going to the doctor. Well it hasn't happened yet. So I find myself in a different kind of waiting. 

Do you ever feel like you take a step of faith and then end up in complete disappointment? Then you go back and think maybe it wasn't the right step to take at that time? I even feel wrong for asking those questions..

I waited until today purposefully to write my post for this week to see what the result would be today. Today was hard. Today was another day, that I thought I believed deeply that a miracle could happen, but I am just reminded by God that the answer it not yet. 

So, right now I am so thankful for my small group of friends that I am doing a Bible Study with. It is one of the highlights of my week each time! We just finished week 3 of Everyday Theology by Mary Wiley (Random fact: Mary was one of my DNow leaders when I was a teenager and her mom was my geometry, pre-cal, and calculus teacher in high school). This past week was all about Jesus the Son, and all the prophecies and promises He fulfilled in scripture. We discussed how Jesus was seen a prophet, priest, and king based on His actions. One of the questions ask how has Jesus been a prophet, priest, and king in your life? As we go through this struggle of infertility, I have to remember how wonderful God/Jesus has been to us in different parts of our life and what great things are coming out of this struggle. It has just been really tough today unfortunately. 

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 

Promises- Maverick City Music 

Dear God, 
   I pray that as I struggle today, that I would continue to praise you in the waiting process. I pray for strength and continued guidance throughout our journey. I pray for others that are going through similar situations. I pray that would love and follow you with everything they have, and Lord if they begin to doubt that they'd be reminded of your everlasting love for them just as I was today. Thank you for being our Savior and dying so we could live! I pray for whenever the doctor's appointment does come, we will continue to show our faith in you through every step! In Jesus Name, Amen. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

This is my story, this is my song

The Story I'll Tell

This morning, I was reading through a page I follow, I came across this beautiful song! And decided to change today's topic. The lyrics of the first verse really spoke to me and our situation. They say: 

"The hour is dark 
And it’s hard to see 
What you are doin’
Here in the ruins
And where this will lead
Oh but I know
That down through the years
I’ll look on this moment
See your hand on it
And know you were here"

We all have a story! We may or may not choose to share it with others ... A story of Jesus saving us, a story of hope, a story of a miracle, etc. We also have the stories that we don't enjoy talking about. Maybe it is the story of infertility, miscarriage, loss of a loved one, addiction, or others. The one story that remains the same God! We may not know or see what He is doing in the ruin, but he remains the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow: Holy, loving, all-powerful, all-knowing, always present, patient, selfless, and so much more! 

I recently watched Facing the Giants, a Kendrick Brother movie and one of my favorite quotes that doesn't just apply to football: "If we win we praise Him, if we lose we praise Him!" 

Do you believe that He is part of your story each and everyday even when you feel like you may be winning at life or losing at life? Are we telling His story too? #Godsnotdonewithyou

Story update: We will be heading back to the doctor this month. I haven't been doing well on the weight loss the past few weeks, but am down 15lbs. Prayers for no cyst at the appointment so we are able to try a new round of treatments. As always, thank you for your prayers and support. 

Two Years Later

It has been way too long since I've written in this blog. Here is where we are at now. Hopefully since I'm off for the summer I can ...