Tuesday, June 7, 2022


Well I've really had a hard time knowing what to write again, which is why I haven't. 

We ended up with three embryos. Now, the first couple people that I told my words were "we only got 3." And it only took one person for me to realize that "only 3" was the wrong mentality. I was so disappointed when I got the call and immediately took our news as a negative. 

Not long after a few conversations, next was "We got three embryos!" We could have easily gotten two, one, or none. I think one reason I was so upset was not necessarily because we got only three, but we also lost 16. Now we were prepared for some not to make it, but our hearts were just broken.  

I am so thankful to the ones who helped me see the positive of the situation. Now we wait until our Frozen transfer cycle. Will we transfer one or two? We don't know yet, but we are looking forward to starting the process. So we wait for now! 

Dear God, We are so thankful for the three embryos. Thank you for the friends and family that helped us realize the good that was done! I pray that we continue to follow where we believe you are leading us. Amen 

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