Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Week 3 Testimony: Trust God & NEVER doubt

Today's testimony is the last one for this year's Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. This week comes from one of my coworkers! She is not just a coworker, but a friend! A friend that has endured many loses to get to where her and husband are now. A friend that prays for me. A friend that I pray for often too!

Here is Mrs. Bruce and her husband's story: 

Oh what a journey this has been!!! My husband and I married in June of 2013. We knew that we both wanted children, but we didn’t immediately start trying. To our surprise, we got a big fat positive in November of 2014. Happy was a mere understatement. We were scheduled to have an appointment to hear the heartbeat. Here goes the wait...these couple of weeks seemed to take forever. December 9, 2014 we were crushed!!! To our surprise, there was no fetal movement and no heartbeat. The pain that we felt was indescribable. I actually went through depression for a while afterwards.  

As time passed, we made the decision to begin trying again. During this time of trying, people would give all kinds of ‘advice’. Some of the information was from the hearts of those who actually meant well, but some people taught me what not to say to someone who has experienced the loss of a pregnancy. After months of trying, we decided to make an appointment with ART Fertility. During the appointment, we found out that we conceived naturally. Our son was born in February of 2017. We are grateful, yet our journey doesn't end here.

I have always wanted two children. I grew up in the house alone and didn’t want the same for my son. It took a couple of years after having him, but here we go with a surprise positive in April 2020 only to experience a loss in June. I didn’t have any triggers or suspension that would even make me believe that anything was going wrong. I felt fine, growing and glowing. When we arrived at the first ultrasound appointment, I knew something wasn’t quite right. The ultrasound tech was unusually quiet. She then told us that she would be right back, because she needed to get the doctor. I immediately started to cry because I knew something was wrong. To our surprise, something was wrong which resulted in another failed pregnancy. 

My husband was really a great supporter. He kept the faith when it seemed like I had none. The journey isn’t over. May 2021 pregnant again, only to suffer a subchorionic hematoma (This was horrible!) and experience loss June 15, 2021 (our wedding anniversary). I refused to allow my son to watch me get in a deep depression, so I had him to shift my focus on and basically just kept myself busy.  

Here we are again! Another positive August 2021!!!! This time our first appointment went quite well. I am currently 8 weeks, and the baby has a very strong heartbeat at 170 bpm. We have truly been on a bumpy ride, but we know that with faith in God, somehow, someway, He can make things possible if it is in His will!!! The best advice that I could give someone else is to trust God and NEVER doubt Him. The road may seem rough at times, but when God is in it, there is no limit to what He can do. Trust and never doubt...hold on and take the ride...He won’t let go of you, so don’t let go of Him!!! 

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