Monday, October 18, 2021

Angel Fest Story & Other Updates

Last weekend I participated in Angel Fest at a local church in Millbrook. Let me share how this started! I made a facebook post with hymns to sell for our FET, and a family friend commented and said, have you thought about selling at Angel Fest? And of course, I had no idea what she was talking about. I got information from their facebook and noticed that someone I knew was actually over the event! Another cool thing is that the family friend that mentioned it to me, her and her husband paid for my booth fee to lessen my cost! I spent that previous week making and making hymns. I sure was tired! 

So Brandon, mom, and I set everything up that Saturday morning (the 16th). We get set up, and I had designed "business cards" and got my brother in laws company to make them! They also made a sign with my "business" name, Loving Hymn Creations. And they paid for them! I'll post a picture at the end if you didn't see them on facebook. 

The day started off windy with a little rain, but ended up a beautiful day to be outside! Mom and I met people in the community sold around half of what we had making around $250. We sure met some interesting people! One group that stopped by bought an item and then laid their hands on me and prayed! It was so powerful to think they would pray for a complete stranger, but it was known to almost all that visited the table why we were there. Another lady said she was glad she could help bring a baby into the world at 73. A young boy asked me if I tore the pages out of the hymnal, I told him yes and not to tell on me! Another young lady mentioned she had used the exact same doctor's office we did, and they were successful by IUI. It was overall a wonderful day and I am so thankful mom was there to help me! She has been a rock for us through this whole process. 

There are a couple of other things I wanted to share too... 

First, I hope you continue to read the testimonies from my friends. We have two more coming up this Wednesday and next week! They represent a strength that only God can provide and I am proud to call them friends! 

Second, we have not gotten the results of our biopsy yet. We are still waiting.

Third, I have also been on a weight loss journey. When I got off of all the IVF meds, I lost a little weight and continued to go with it. As of today I have lost 23 lbs! I can't really see it, but I can feel it. I am hoping to lose about 20 more before our FET. (which will hopefully be in January) I have started meal prepping lunches. I am only drinking coke zero and water, and trying to avoid sweets and snacking. I started IVF at 225, and currently weigh 202 this morning! First goal is to get into 100s, then to lose the 20 more. And maybe I shouldn't share the actual weight part on here, but I am excited about the change!

Fourth, this tik tok video hit me hard... it starts off by saying how the body doesn't do the one thing it should, the one thing I want it to do. And I just wanted to share what it often feels like experiencing infertility. Women's body's were supposed to be built for this, right? But as of right now, mine isn't.

As always, thanks for the love, prayers, and support! 

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Two Years Later

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