Tuesday, April 19, 2022

IVF Round 2

Yes, you read the title right! We have chosen to go through another round of IVF. And I apologize that I didn't post this when I said I would. These past few weeks have been crazy! 

So we've gotten started and I am still in the suppression month. I am currently taking birth control along with the blood thinner shots daily. 

On March 31st I went in for my baseline appointment where they do an ultrasound and blood work. Everything looked great! Then last week I finally got my IVF calendar and finished getting quotes for our IVF medicine. So when we first started talking about doing IVF again we estimated that meds would be between 5,000 and 6,000. Our first quotes were 7,000 and 13,000. I was like oh my goodness! Well after some crazy phone calls about insurance and a discount program, the medicine quote from one company went from 13,000 to 11,000 to 4,000! So we were confused as to how all of this happened, but thankful that God is watching out for us! We were able to get the medicine ordered today, and it will be delivered tomorrow! I won't actually start the medication until April 29th. 

I went to AFS for my saline ultrasound and blood work. The ultrasound looked good, and I will probably get blood work results tomorrow. Praying those results come back great! 

That is kind of where we are right now! So prayer request would be for blood work results to come back in the normal range, medication to arrive safely, and for when I do start the meds that I don't have any crazy side effects from them! 

With the calendar our approximate egg retrieval will be the week of May 9th. We are not sure what day yet, and we won't know until closer to time. 

Thank you all for your love and support! I will probably not be consistent with updates, but will try my best! 


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