Thursday, September 30, 2021

September: PCOS Awareness Month

September is PCOS awareness month, and I almost missed posting something about it. PCOS is polycystic ovary syndrome and I wanted to share some facts about it since tomorrow brings on a whole different awareness month. 


  • It is a serious genetic, hormone, metabolic and reproductive disorder that affects women and girls. 
  • It is the leading cause of female infertility and a precursor for other serious conditions including obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and endometrial cancer.
  • Development of cysts (small fluid-filled sacs) in the ovaries. 
  • Between 5% and 10% of women between 15 and 44, or during the years you can have children, have PCOS. Most women find out they have PCOS in their 20s and 30s. 
  • Symptoms: Irregular cycles, too much hair on face, acne, thinning hair, weight gain, darkening of skin, and skin tags. 
  • Women with PCOS can be at higher risk of miscarriage, preeclampsia, and gestational diabetes. 
  • From: 
Please be in prayer for these women! And all the couples facing infertility! Next month is miscarriage/infant loss awareness month. Hopefully more testimonies will be shared on how God worked in people's lives to overcome what one never expected to happen. 

Our appointment to check levels is tomorrow! Praying for great results! 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Our New Plan: FET

 In the infertility world, FET stands for Frozen Embryo Transfer. That is indeed our next step, but we are going to do a few things before we get there! 

First we are doing what is called an ERA Biopsy. I am not sure that I can explain it very well. Basically I take medicine like I would for the FET, and then one a particular day they do a biopsy, and look at my estrogen and progesterone levels. So this process is already underway.  I started the Estrogen today (09/21/21), and go back to the doctor next week for an ultrasound to see when I am supposed to start the progesterone. I take the progesterone for around 5-6 days, then go in for the biopsy. I will go to Birmingham to have this done. 

Pending results, we then wait for the FET cycle to begin. Our FET could potentially be in November or maybe all the way in January. It just depends on the timing of my cycle, and how many spots that are open within the clinic. 

Prayer Requests: 

*that answers needed come from the biopsy

*that the FET will go smoothly and be successful 

*that the timing is right! 

*for our mentally, emotional, physically, financially, and spiritual well being

We are thanking God for another opportunity, and praying this is the right time! 

Also, I am going to be selling some more framed hymns to help with the financial part! If you are interested be on the lookout on facebook for them! They could make a great Christmas gift for someone! 

Take a Listen to another song I found that I love by Chris McClarney!

Speak to the Mountains

Monday, September 13, 2021

Getting Ready to face our failed IVF again

       I feel like it has been forever since I have wrote in the blog. Thank you all for your support over the past month as we have been sorting through feelings, trying to understand why, and praying about what is next. 
      We are preparing to revisit our failed IVF next week. On September 20th, we have a follow-up appointment to discuss next steps. Since all of this has happened, we've been called twice to move up our appointment, but I just wasn't ready. I'm not sure that I'm ready now, but we are preparing ourselves. What will be our recommendation? To move forward with the frozen embryo transfer, to completely do a new round of IVF so we can do genetic testing, or move on? We pray the next steps will work and bring glory to God, but at this point in our journey it is almost hard to believe it will work. 
     At church we started a new series called Battling against the mind. Let me just say that this journey has definitely been that. It has been full of fear and doubt, but hope has shown up many times in between too. Jennie Allen's Book Get Out of Your Head was mentioned several times, and Brandon and I were both talking about getting it to read. I've heard her talk about in a podcast, but never bought it. If you've read it I'd love to know your thoughts. 

    Prayer Request: 
    - That we make a plan
    - That we feel at peace about the plan
    - That the doctor's hand will be guided when helping us make a decision
    - That we are ready to move forward emotionally, mentally, and financially 
    - That we are giving thanks to God for whatever way is provided 

Two Years Later

It has been way too long since I've written in this blog. Here is where we are at now. Hopefully since I'm off for the summer I can ...