Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Paving the Way

 I hope that everyone has had a wonderful start to 2021! It has definitely been overwhelming in a good way! So, let me tell you the story of the past couple weeks and how God is paving the way for us to be able to do this financially. 

This is a two part story. 

Part #1: I won't mention this person's name, but someone from high school reached out to me about our infertility journey. Only a few weeks earlier I had learned that she and her husband had gone through many treatments as well. So she messages me on facebook. In a nutshell, she tells me that she has left over medicine from their IVF cycle and would like to know if we would like to have it. NOT BUY IT...HAVE IT! Well I tell her what we are planning on doing, etc. She said it is the same thing they have done! So I plan to meet up with her. I meet up with her and she gives me the bags of medicine, we talk briefly, and this whole time we've been talking through messenger I am pretty sure I have said thank you like 1,000 times! So for those who don't know, IVF Medicine can cost up to $5,000 by itself. So, I get home, look through all the medicine, and if I calculated correctly based on medicines we've done in the past, she just handed me around $3,000 worth of medicine. That's a three with three zeros! WOAH! The only thing I knew to do was say and prayer and thank God for paving the way. Making this journey look financially possibly. It turns out, this woman had someone donate medicine to them for their first round of IVF and she just wanted to pay it forward! Like...how can this be anything but God paving this way? 

Part 2: I posted in December that I would be making crafts to sell. Well these crafts turned into some selling at price, others large amount donations, made by our family and friends. With the purchase of the crafts and donations we are at over $3,000. Again, how can this be anything but God paving this way? 

And add what we've already saved...we are making a lot of progress.


So our IVF consultation is Monday. Praying we get a timeline of when everything will be able to be done! 


The Lord is the one goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8

So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand. Isaiah 41:10

Look No Further than Jesus by Evvie McKinney

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