Wednesday, January 20, 2021

IVF Journey Update 01/20

    On Monday, we had our IVF consultation. For 2 months, we've been waiting for this appointment to get here! So, we have our video conference with the doctor from Birmingham. We tell him that we are 100% sure we've decided to go through the IVF process. He walks us through it each step, all the risks, the timeline of what it will be like, etc.

     First, I thought we would have to wait until the summer because of other testing that I have to get done. Turns out we don't!!! So basically we can start whenever we are financially ready to begin. Last week I shared that we had made a huge gain financially, and we have done it again this week too! Shout out to mine and Brandon's parents! They are helping us financially in a big way! In such a big way, that I put us at about 90% financially ready. Yes, I said 90%! 

      Second, so when do we start? Well, have to wait on the beginning of a new cycle. Whenever we are ready and that cycle day 1 hits, we call and go from there. I will have to have some extra test done, but that can all be done while I am in the first few weeks of IVF process. This might sound crazy, but they put you on birth control for the first three weeks. Then you proceed with everything else. 

     Third, I am really hoping to loose a little bit of weight before we start all this. If you have any tips to share please bring them on! 

      Fourth, I never thought that I would say I am ready to start this process. I mean, who wants to go through all this. Trust me, if you wanted a kid so bad and you were having trouble, you probably reevaluate your thoughts on it too, just like I did. 

      Lastly, I ask for your prayers. Prayers for strength, peace about the process, prayers for the IVF process to go all the way through without being cancelled, prayers for Brandon and he has to watch me go through all of this physical part of it, prayers for our family, prayers that IT IS SUCCESSFUL, and prayers that this is all part of God's timing and not ours! We've seen His love continue to pour out on us during this process through the actions of His people! 

(2 Random things) 1. I work for and with some great people. I mentioned to them about doing this during the school year...their response, "You have to do what's best for you. Family first. Go for it." I am so thankful for where I work! People always look at me weird when I tell them I work in Lowndes County, but I wouldn't change it for anything!  2. A HUGE THANK YOU to all that have supported us through prayers or finances! You will never know how much it means! 

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