Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The three year mark

When I first came up with this idea of blogging our fertility journey, I never imagined I would be sitting here in December still telling you about all of our ups and downs, how God has spoken to me, and every detail of our lives. However, here I am. Here I am on post #35.

I also never imagined the encouragement and response that we have been getting. There are so many more people praying for us, and it has given me the opportunity to pray for others that are going through this journey as well. People that I would have never known about until I started sharing through the blog. Thank you to the few who read weekly, even when I don't post a link on social media! 

Earlier this week, I posted on facebook that I was going to be selling hymn crafts to raise money for our IVF journey.  4 out of 5 of the ones I posted went quickly, then messages with request for others! It means so much that people are not only praying for us, but are willing to help us get there financially too. 

Next week makes 3 years exactly since this journey started. In December of 2017 was when I had my IUD taken out for us to try to start a family of our own. I also didn't imagine I would be sitting at this 3 year mark without a little one in our arms. What is so sad to me is that there are couples who have been patient for so much longer than three years. Where do they find their hope? How do they make it through emotionally and mentally? I hope their answer is JESUS! After all he is the reason for the season and everything else too! 

With this being said, I am going to take a break over the holidays from blogging! I will see y'all in 2021! 

As we all look forward to 2021, try not to forget the good that has happened in 2020. Honestly, the best thing that has happened to me in 2020 is that I've grown in my relationship with Jesus more and more. I hope this year has brought that for you as well! 

Dear God, 
I pray for all of those who are struggling to see something positive out of 2020. I pray that they would recognize the things that you've been doing in midst of the hardships we've all been seeing or facing. I pray for 2021. That it would bring peace! That people would be overwhelmed with your presence in their lives. I pray for the ones struggling with infertility. It can be so hard to make it through the holidays with seeing children everywhere. I pray that they would not feel forgotten or unloved, but that you would wrap your arms around them. Surround them with your love! I pray that they would continue to put their hope and trust in you no matter what the outcome of the journey! Thank you for what you have done and what you are doing in our lives. Forgive us when we doubt your love and power! In Jesus Name, Amen! 

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