Saturday, September 24, 2022


 08/01 -- 4 days past transfer

Well, I decided to take an at home test, and I could not believe my eyes. On the test was a super faded line. I was so excited, and hoped and prayed that I wasn't just seeing things! 

08/02 -- 5 days past transfer 

I took the same brand I took yesterday, and it was positive again. It didn't look any darker. It was still pretty light. Then I decided to take the same brand that showed up for us last time. This brand showed a much clearer pregnant line! We are still 3 days out from our blood test. However, this gives me hope knowing that it is already positive now. I just pray the lines continue to get darker each and every day. 

I also decided that I couldn't keep this from Brandon. I just did something simple this time. 

I used a party of three sign that I had actually bought a few weeks prior. This is the only time I have ever purchased something previous to knowing if we would be pregnant or not. 

08/03 -- 6 days past transfer

Well another cheapie test, another positive. It got a little bit darker. I didn't have to squint as hard to realize that it was positive this time! Today was also the first day back to school. We had our institute in Montgomery, and the speaker was actually really good! He was engaging and everything! I also had to get up in the middle of his speech to go take my progesterone shot. I am so thankful for some great coworkers that are willing to do this for me! 

08/04 -- 7 days past transfer 

So I decided to take a first response today. Now, the last time, when we our HCG beta was low, we never saw a positive on the first response test. Well today, we did! It was so exciting to know that my HCG would be higher than last time, but the question remained how much higher? 

08/05-- 8 days past transfer (HCG beta #1) 

7:00 AM I get my blood drawn. 

12:00 PM Nurse calls! I guess my tone of voice was excited, and she asked me if I had already taken a test. I told her yes, I just wasn't sure where the level would be close too. My HCG was level was at 55! She tells me I am pregnant! There was no borderline or we are worried about this, etc! This is the highest my HCG has ever started at! She says I can wait until next Friday to go back or I can come back earlier. I told her I'd rather get it checked again sooner than later. My next HCG check in on Tuesday 08/09. 

08/09 -- 12 days past transfer (HCG beta #2) 

7:00 AM I get my blood drawn. 

I had continued to take test to watch the lines get darker, and they had been getting darker over the next few days. 

1:00 PM Nurse calls! Your HCG is at 312! It had doubled just as it was supposed to over those 4 days! We are just so thankful that the Lord has allowed us to make it to this point! Until today, we had never made it past a 2nd HCG. It has always dropped, until now! She asks again when I want to come back, and I said how about Friday! Appointment is set for Friday 08/12. 

08/12 -- 15 days past transfer (HCG Beta #3) 

7:15 AM blood work

Now previous to getting my bloodwork done, I decided to take test at home. These were some dark lines and I was over the moon about it! 

Here are the test from that Friday! 

11:45 Nurse calls, HCG is 1,140. Again, it has risen as it was supposed to! We are just so thankful. And continue to thank God in our prayers for making it to this point. 

So as of 08/12  I am 4 weeks, 6 days with an approximate due day of April 15th. 

My progesterone has also gone down some at this point. So we swap to taking the shot at night to see if it helps. I am so thankful that I will not have to take them at school anymore! 

Now, my next appointment is set up for Wednesday 08/17. They will do bloodwork and an ultrasound. I did ask what to expect to see on this ultrasound because I know it is still super early. So, they said just to see the sac. They want to make sure it implanted in the correct place. Now we wait until Wednesday! 

08/17 -- 20 days past transfer (beta #3, ultrasound #1) 

I am unsure of my bloodwork results because I had an afternoon appointment. However, we did get to have an ultrasound. On this ultrasound they said to expect to see the sac (aka Baby's home). That's exactly what we saw on it too! Getting to this point, even thought I am only 5 weeks 4 days is such a miracle in itself! We are praying that the bloodwork comes back normal tomorrow. 

08/18 -- 21 days past transfer 

Our bloodwork was good. My HCG was almost at 5,000 which is in the normal range. My progesterone had gone back to 20, which was an answer to our prayers! 

08/21 -- 24 days past transfer

Today has been scary. I have been crying on and off for the past 2 hours. I started cramping. I have had a little cramping throughout the past few weeks, but not like this. Today's felt like period cramping. Go to the bathroom, and bleeding. I call the on call nurse.. she asks be to give her all the details (which I won't give y'all). She gave me directions of what to do, and if it got to a specific level of pain, etc to go to the emergency room. Luckily we haven't gone to the emergency room. However, I am so scared. We approximately turned 6 weeks today. And it is the furthest we've made it. We have just been praying this afternoon that God allows us to keep this blessing. That he or she will continue to grow, and that my body can do this! We are just so scared. I want to share this so much just so we can have more people praying for us! At this point, I am so thankful for the few people that do know and that I know they have already prayed over us. All I can do right now, is sit and listen to worship music. 

08/22 -- 6w2d 

It took a while for someone to get with us today, but luckily we were able to get into the doctor's office! Everything is ok. We did have a sub chorionic hematoma and learned that it is common with the medication that I am on. Good news today is that I also graduated from having my HCG level checked. Now I only have to get my progesterone checked when I go! I am so thankful that everything was good, and that God continues to be for us in this process! We go back next Monday! 

08/30 7w2d

Over the weekend, we got some incredible news. So I always thought because Brandon and I were later having kids that our kid wouldn't have any kids growing up right beside them. However, that is not true! Some good friends just told us they are also expecting. And they are 3 weeks ahead of us! I'm so excited to have a friend to go through this with! 

09/04 8w 

Well we have officially made it to 8 weeks! We are so thankful, and are just continuing to thank God daily for this opportunity. We are hoping to hear a heartbeat on Tuesday at the doctor's office! 

Do you know what I am counting down though? Taking these progesterone shots and estrogen pills! Only two more weeks! Thank Goodness! I have been taking these shots since July 23, and they are just so painful when you don't have many spots left to inject them. However, I am very grateful for all the people who have helped me do them through the past month and a half! 

I am also preparing to start my own Blessed Womb small group. I am very excited for the opportunity and can't wait to see what God does through it. My only thing is, I haven't had anyone sign up yet. So I am praying that women will be open to it just as I was at the beginning of the year. 

09/08 8w4d 

I am so ready to let this news out. Holding it in is so hard! Our plan is around 10 weeks to announce, but I wish it would come faster! 

9/19 10w2d

Today was our first appointment with our regular OBGYN! We were released from the fertility doctor last week, and it was so crazy! We are so thankful to have made it to this point! We are counting down until Saturday to announce! 

Two Years Later

It has been way too long since I've written in this blog. Here is where we are at now. Hopefully since I'm off for the summer I can ...