Cycle starts, and because it is the last field trip of Summer Reading Camp there is no way I can get into the doctor. Monday is holiday. So, my appointment is set for Tuesday, July 5th. Now, this would be cycle day 5. Normally, you are seen between days 1-4, but because of the holiday I will be seen on day 5. According to the nurse on the phone, it is a possibility that we will be able to do it. I wasn't sure since it is a little bit later than normal! We are praying for the best at the appointment and then we will go from there!
I had my appointment today! My ultrasound looked great and my bloodwork levels were right where they are supposed to be as well. I spoke with the nurse and received my calendar for the cycle! Our transfer is approximately on the 28th! For right now, I take estrace (estrogen) and the blood thinner shots, and then I go back to the doctor on the 21st to check my levels and lining!
Well, I thought we were going to have to cancel our cycle. We are so thankful that we did not have too! We are able to continue even after the past 24 hours that we have had. I will tell you all about it at a later date.
As always, thank you for the prayers! We are excited about moving forward and we are trying our best to let God continue to guide us through it. Love y'all!
***This specific post will continue to be updated throughout our transfer cycle. There will not be a new post made. ***
I had my lining check appointment. Everything looked great including my bloodwork. Transfer is set for the 28th. Also while I was there, I asked if my thyroid has gotten check while I was there last time. It had gotten check and had gone down a lot with the upping of my medicine over the last few months. Now I start progesterone shots on the 23rd!
Well Today is my birthday! 31 came so fast! I had a great time with my Church family at One Big Day yesterday morning and with my family Saturday evening! Today we are going to play Top Golf and will probably make a fool of ourselves. It should be fun!
Today I had my check-up at the hematologist. The hematologist checks bloodwork for my blood disorder, but also checks my iron levels. Unfortunately my iron levels have gone back down again. Not to where I have to have another infusion, but it was pretty close. So I have to visit them in two months.
Today is the day before transfer! So far I only have one knot from the progesterone shots, so thats not too bad. Please just keep us in your prayers that everything for the transfer goes well tomorrow and that we will find out in a couple of weeks that we are pregnant. That's it for now! Thank y'all as always for the prayers!