Our Journey with God, Infertility, & Life
Welcome to our Journey with God, Infertility, and Life! I have chosen to write this blog to share mine and my husband's story of going through infertility; the highs, the lows, the positives, the negatives, and everything in between in hopes of helping others, letting others know they aren't alone, and that God is working in our hard times. The end of our story is unknown, but God will add the ending in his timing!
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Two Years Later
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Landon's Birth Story
Monday, April 10, 2023
Life is about to change... for the better!
This weekend we turned 39 weeks with Landon! We cannot believe that the time has finally come to meet our baby boy! While, I may still be terrified of the birth process, I am looking forward to being a mom, watch B become a dad, and my sister and brother-in-law become an aunt and uncle!
We will keep every one posted the best we can! We just ask that you please be in prayer for us as we get ready to head to the hospital today and be induced tomorrow morning!
Also, our fur-baby turns 8 today! So I will be the only one in our little family without an April birthday!
As usual we are so thankful for all of the prayers throughout this journey! We can't wait to update y'all with our birth story and pictures of our precious son!
Katey & Brandon
Thursday, February 16, 2023
2023: The Year Landon Arrives! Update
We finally made it to February. It always feels like January has 365 days by itself. I don't know if that because as a teacher our pay days our spread far apart (Dec 16th - Jan 31st) or if it just seems to always go so slow!
Let me tell you what hasn't gone slow... THIS PREGNANCY! At first, I thought it was, but now we will be turning 32 weeks this weekend! We are in the third trimester, and the third trimester has brought me a gift (just kidding).. a cold. I have never used more tissue in my life than I have over the past two weeks. Luckily, the coughing part has gotten better. I am waiting for my nose to stop running away.
In January, the ladies from Journaling with Jesus through me a surprise baby shower! It was absolutely wonderful and I cannot wait to use all the gifts that they got for us! This group has truly been such a blessing in my life!
I am leading another semester with A Blessed Womb! I will have a co-leader this go round, and as of right now I think we have 4 or 5 ladies signed up! If you know someone that is struggling with infertility or miscarriage (or maybe you are), I would like to encourage you to be a part of the group if you are able! We meet on Thursday nights at 6PM via google meet!
We are almost finished with the nursery, and have things organized so when we get items from the shower they will have a place to go!
Thursday, December 29, 2022
2022 in Review
Looking back on our fertility journey, I am always amazed by the way we see God in it! Sometimes when we are going through hard times, it is difficult to recognize that God is there because we are overtaken by emotions, etc. Not long ago, our ABW group reflected on the question that if we knew what we were going to have to go through to get to this point would we have aborted the mission? My first thought was yes, this has been so hard and difficult to handle and process. However, now that we have been through it, I wouldn't change it. God has allowed our story to be used over and over again to show His goodness and glory. It has led to relationships that I would have never had otherwise. It has led me closer in my relationship with the Lord. So here is our fertility journey recap for 2022!
- Embryo transfer, positive pregnancy test, numbers dropped, negative pregnancy test, miscarriage #2
-Joined A Blessed Womb Small Group, made the decision to go through IVF again
-Follow up appointment, baseline appointment
-Birth control, blood thinner shots, celebrated Brandon's birthday, saline ultrasound #2
-Shots, all kinds of meds, monitoring appointments, egg retrieval, 3 embryos frozen
-Rest/Recover, Celebrated 7 years of marriage
-baseline appointment for transfer, diagnosed with COVID, monitoring appointment, celebrated my 31st birthday, embryo transfer
-Positive pregnancy test at 4 days past transfer, beta rising from 55 to 5,000 plus, subchorionic hematoma
-Graduated from fertility doctor, had my first regular OB appointment at 10 weeks
-Started leading a Blessed Womb group virtually with 4 amazing women
-Gender Reveal (Landon Dale Owens), hit the halfway point
-Anatomy Scan, Celebrated Christmas with family and friends!
As always, thank you for the prayers throughout this journey! We will continue to keep you updated on our pregnancy journey in 2023! Only 16 weeks until we meet Landon!
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Halfway Update!
We have made it to the halfway point!!! Over the weekend, I turned 20 weeks! I am just overwhelming thankful for making it here! We have 20 weeks left to go and I could not be more excited that we are getting closer to meeting Landon Dale! We have finished our registries on Amazon and at Target. I have already been asked about baby showers, and as many of those that I have been to in my life, I am so thankful that some will be hosted to celebrate Landon coming into this world!
On Friday, we have our anatomy scan. Please be in prayer that everything goes well. Also, my feet have already started swelling, and while they are way worse symptoms or things that I could be going through right now, my feet simply just hurt! I pray that they won't be like this for the next 20 weeks, but people have told me they probably will be.
Update on my Blessed Womb group: I cannot believe that our semester for this group is almost over. This journey has been long and tough, but it has led me to being able to meet these amazing women and hopefully help them through their journey as they seek the Lord through this hard time.
Love you all!
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Wake up Sleeper
Two Years Later
It has been way too long since I've written in this blog. Here is where we are at now. Hopefully since I'm off for the summer I can ...
I recently had a friend that asked me a really tough question. Before I tell you what that question was, I want to share this song. More T...
This weekend we turned 39 weeks with Landon! We cannot believe that the time has finally come to meet our baby boy! While, I may still be te...
It has been way too long since I've written in this blog. Here is where we are at now. Hopefully since I'm off for the summer I can ...